- Home
- Staff
- Pastor and Deacons 2023
- Bro. Jimmy Russell
- Chairman of the Deacons: Bro. Curtis Grubbs
- Deacon: Bro. Alan Russell
- Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Andy Dillard
- Pastor: Bro. Andy Russell
- Deacon: Bro. Therold Bolen
- Associate Pastor: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Deacon: Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Jeff Morris
- Bro. Scotty Pannell
- Youth Pastor: Bro. Drew Wooten
- Bro. Danny Chism
- Minister of Music: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Organist: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Church Treasurer: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Pianist: Mrs. Dianne Bolen
- Church Clerk: Mrs. Dianne Bolen
- Deacons
- Pastor and Deacons 2023
- Bro. Jimmy Russell
- Chairman of the Deacons: Bro. Curtis Grubbs
- Deacon: Bro. Alan Russell
- Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Andy Dillard
- Pastor: Bro. Andy Russell
- Deacon: Bro. Therold Bolen
- Associate Pastor: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Deacon: Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Jeff Morris
- Bro. Scotty Pannell
- Youth Pastor: Bro. Drew Wooten
- Bro. Danny Chism
- Minister of Music: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Organist: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Church Treasurer: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Pianist: Mrs. Dianne Bolen
- Church Clerk: Mrs. Dianne Bolen
- Our Beliefs
- Live Stream
- Audio/Video Presentations
- 1-5-25 Lord You've Been Good To Me
- 1-5-25 I Got Jesus
- 12-29-24 Worship You again
- 12-29-24 Getting Ready For A Baby
- 12-1-24 It was Finished on the Cross
- 12-1-24 He Made A Way In A Manger
- 11-17-24 In Every Thing Give Thanks
- 11-10-24 Here In America
- 10-27-24 You're Still So Good To Me
- 10-6-24 Sometimes It Takes A Mountain
- 10-6-24 I Stand with the Cross
- 9-22-24 There is Peace in trusting the Lord
- 9-8-24 That's What Love Is
- 9-1-24 Sweetest Name I Know
- 8-25-24 I Am Blessed
- 8-18-24 "I want to stroll over heaven with you" - Marc Cannon's first time to sing
- 8-11-24 Jesus Saves He Still Does
- 8-4-24 Grace In An Unexpected Place
- 8-4-24 The half hasn't been told
- 7-14-24 Under the Sea
- 7-2-24 My Life Is In Your Hands
- 6-30-24 Amazing God
- 6-23-24 Mercy Walked In
- 6- 16 24 Anything Less
- 6-2-24 Just When You Thought
- 5-12-24 I still cling to the old rugged cross
- 5-12-24 Ben Hall Praying and Miss Piper Hall singing Jesus love the little children of the world
- 5-5-24 Grace Ain't Fair
- 4-21-24 I Choose Christ
- How Deep The Father's Love for Us
- 4-14- 24 Sunday Morning Service
- 3-31-24 Easter Hallelujah
- 3-24-24 Worth Every Mile of the Trip
- 3-17-24 Thank You Dear Jesus
- 3-3-24 Missions March
- 3-3-24 Lord Give Me A Vision
- Bloodline
- 2-4-24 Special Music
- Salvation
- Missions We Support
- Available Preachers
- Pastor and Deacons 2023
- Bro. Jimmy Russell
- Chairman of the Deacons: Bro. Curtis Grubbs
- Deacon: Bro. Alan Russell
- Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Andy Dillard
- Pastor: Bro. Andy Russell
- Deacon: Bro. Therold Bolen
- Associate Pastor: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Deacon: Bro. Terry Bateman
- Deacon: Bro. Jeff Morris
- Bro. Scotty Pannell
- Youth Pastor: Bro. Drew Wooten
- Bro. Danny Chism
- Minister of Music: Bro. Caleb Willard
- Organist: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Church Treasurer: Mrs. Lori Spencer
- Pianist: Mrs. Dianne Bolen
- Church Clerk: Mrs. Dianne Bolen